Sanctuary Sounds
Worship and Music with Dr. Joy Berg

Dr. Joy Berg loves the Church ecumenical, its music and, above all, its Creator. Dr. Berg has taught as a professor of music and director of choral activities in the academic world for over 20 years (mostly at Concordia University of Edmonton), and offers a dynamic centre for training of the church musician through Sanctuary Sounds. Growing up in a musical Lutheran pastor’s family, Dr. Berg is presently the Director of Music at Christ Church Anglican in Edmonton, Alberta. Intrigued by the gift of the singing voice, Joy loves working with choirs, and enlivening the choral music and congregational music of the Church. She has two doctorates in these passion areas: a Doctorate of Musical Arts in choral conducting (from U. of Iowa, 2001), and a Doctorate of Worship (from the Robert Webber Institute of Worship Studies, 2019). Joy is a curator for the Cypress Publishing church choir series, "Songs for the Sanctuary"; she has written several articles, a few hymns, and, as a collegial collaborator, has won service awards in her community (particularly the Companion of the Worship Arts national award from Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada in 2014, and the “Con Spirito” community service award, provincial award from the Alberta Choral Federation in 2008). Joy has led many workshops in the areas of worship and music, and is prepared to offer workshops (in person or virtually) in various areas including worship planning.
Sanctuary Sounds uplifts both the music of the ecumenical Church, and the musician of the Church. Through training, experience, and practice, the church musician will be offered many opportunities to grow as a servant of God and God’s church in worship; through practice and performance with individuals and groups, the music of the Church (both old and new) will be used to creatively invigorate the lives and souls of God’s people.
Sanctuary Sounds was begun in 2021, as a desire of Joy Berg to have a place for the music of the ecumenical Church to be appreciated, experienced and developed in a way that is deep and rich. Sanctuary Sounds holds times and places of training for the church musician (workshops, Conservatory, guest lectures, etc), as well as practice and exploration of the music of the Church (through various choirs, workshops, and performances). The choirs of Sanctuary Sounds explore new music created for the Church, enliven the music of the past for the people of today, and (through music) invite learning opportunities of the neighbors in our community and in our world. The individual involved in Sanctuary Sounds is offered times to grow in knowledge and practice of the music of the Church through Conservatory lessons, and through various workshops and lectures.